Serial Number: 00594
Pedale in perfette condizioni
Completamente originale
Perfettamente funzionante e senza difetti
Completo di scatola originale e documenti
Descrizione Originale:
A guitar pedal that works in real life. An organic pedal, one that doesn’t spoil the tone that the guitars and amps naturally produce, a pleasant natural distortion that sounds as if a couple of tubes have been inserted in the preamp stage. With this goal in mind development started and it took us three years.Full Brass Body
The first lies in the material of the casing. Why use such a heavy material as brass? First, brass is great at shutting out unwanted noise from the outside. The performance is beyond comparison to the traditional aluminum body. Also the heavy body gives outstanding stability when placed in a stage environment. Not to mention the beauty. Brass is used in brass instruments and that should speak for itself. It gives it a solid, robust luxuriousness.All Hand-built
What we here at VEMURAM do is after the parts are placed on the circuit board we take significant time to carefully customize the circuits and parts, one by one, by hand, to maintain the quality tone that we so carefully designed. Every circuit board, one at a time.
Placing tone at the heart of an overdrive pedal, and not just a beautiful appearance, we ship only after the completed circuit board is manually modified. We take full pride in being an All Hand-Built manufacturer. Other companies don’t even come close.Secret “Trimmer” Control
On the “Rage e” and “Karen” our Secret “Trimmer” Control is the final and most important solution. So how did this trimmer come to be? During our design we asked the players over and over “So how much distortion do we actually want?”. Bottom line, whatever pick up is being used, be it single or humbucker, or the clean and overdriven channel on the amplifier, or the player’s style, every factor obviously leads to a unique answer. Simply adjusting the gain control is not enough to cover the desired wide variety of distortion range.”How to make fine adjustments to the desired distortion range?”
Set the trimmer on your “Rage e” or “Karen” to a desired distortion range position and make on-the-spot fine adjustments with the gain knob on the top-panel to have more control over the distortion. At first glance the range may seem a little narrow on the gain knob. But its designed to work together with the trimmer on the side-panel for an elaborate precise sound making.
The Gain level Control sets “Rage e” apart from its competitors. By adjusting the Trim with a Philips head, one is able to customize the range of control through the Gain Knob.
With this technology, you will enojy a wide range of sounds from utilizing as a Overdrive to the outputting of hard distortion sounds all with “Rage e”. This product is sure to answer to the many demands of guitarists with its quality of distortion effects.
Defined notes. Produces high quality sounds for any type of guitar.
No matter how much the Gain Knob is raised, the distortion of “Rage e” does not lose the original sound character of your guitar. “Rage e” will bring out your guitars character through warm and fat overdrive sounds.
From sophisticated leads to loud backings, “Rage e” is ideal for any style of play. “True Bypass” is loaded to ensure sound quality.
During production of “Rage e” we put great effort into ridding the “noise”. With our original circuit design and by utilizing brass which allows higher connectivity than aluminum, we were able to lessen the “noise” greatly. We are first in the world to utilize brass for Overdrives. By utilizing brass, the shield effect increases, which results in the removal and reduction of noise. The vintage design is not only for looks, it is the best design for the best results in sound quality
Karen is just like the “Rage e” without the boost circut.